Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And in the beginning...

Not a very imaginative title, I suppose, but the best I could come up with...
Inspired by several friends who have recently been exploring the world of blogs and such, I thought I would have a go. It's easier than I thought...
Bloss and I will use this blog to share bits and pieces of the adventure that is our daily life with whoever wants to read along.
To begin with, we are currently trying to do a few jobs around the house so we can put it on the market - we've found a lovely place not too far from here and have fallen in love with it. It's just the kind of house the Man of the House (hereinafter referred to as MotH) has always wanted to live in, and Bloss and I quite like it too ;-) Keeping our fingers crossed for a quick sale...

1 comment:

mandysea said...

fingers crossed!!

(waving madly)