Well, we have slaved away over the last week and during the weekend to get the house as ready as it can be for people to look at - and, with any luck, buy... MotH has taken about 4 loads of stuff to the tip - why do we do it to ourselves, let "stuff" accumulate until it's completely out of hand before doing something about it? - and has removed I don't know how much clutter to our spiffy storage unit. Some of the rooms in the house are now almost as empty as they were the day we moved in. They echo. It's scary how much stuff a family of three can accumulate without actually noticing until it has to be packed away...
Bloss is coping rather well with her braces - thank goodness for Bonjela and kids' Panadol, I say! She has managed the discomfort pretty much on her own, taking only 1 or 2 Panadol each day (usually just before bed) and is keeping up with the intensive-cleaning/plaque-tablets/mouth-wash routine without too much nagging on my part. First school day with the metal today, so we'll see how she goes. Being something of a drama queen (no snickering from the peanut gallery, thanks!) I think it was quite a disappointment to her when the first three people she saw at school didn't even notice ;-)
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