Wednesday, July 11, 2012

of achievements and disappointments

Well, auditions are over and the casting has been done. This year I, along with a couple of others on the Society's committee, got to sit in on the audition process. Our Constitution requires that a committee member be part of the panel to ensure the process is carried out according to decisions made, and the last few years it has been the same two people kind of taking it in turns. It was great to be able to be a part of this and I learned a lot about how decisions are made, about how many times the director and others might change their minds about who should play what part, and the passionate discussions that can go on for a LONG time when one is trying to convince the others of the rightness (or wrongness...) of a casting decision.

Due to an age restriction being placed on cast members, Bloss was unable to audition, much to her disappointment, and so, as a result of a family decision made some years ago, I didn't audition either. We will both have the opportunity to be involved in the show in other ways, though, so everything is hunky-dory.

The sheer number of auditionees meant that quite a few people missed out, and there were some very unhappy people last weekend, but I hope they realise how brave they were to have a go in the first place and how difficult many of the 'no' decisions were for those who had to make them. I think we have a great cast and the show will be truly amazing. Rehearsals will begin in a couple of weeks and we have several months of very hard, but hopefully equally rewarding, work in front of us.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

of exciting times

So, the big news this month is that the local Musical Society, of which I am a long-time member, is doing Les Miserables as our 2013 production. There is such a lot of interest in this show - I'm told that it's on the bucket list of anyone who is really into musicals, whether as a singer or musician. Certainly it's on mine - and now there's a chance to fulfill that dream. I am still tossing up whether to audition for a stage role or tell MotH, who has been appointed Musical Director, that I'd like to go back to my percussion-playing days and be in the orchestra. Prob'ly I'll audition, and then see what happens. There is also the option for me to put myself forward to be Stage Manager - I've just done this for our recently-finished production of Avenue Q, and I really enjoyed it and learned heaps about an area of theatre I really didn't know much about before.

Bloss, of course, is way excited. Isn't Les Mis one of her favourite books? Isn't Victor Hugo one of her literary heroes, to the extent that we are spending 4 days in Paris on our holiday later in the year, with a visit to his house at the top of the To-Do list? Isn't Les Mis one of her favourite musicals? Wouldn't she love to be in it - preferably as an ABC barricade boy (even though she's a girl...), but would be happy with any role?

MotH is, as I've said, the Musical Director, and he's already been inundated with calls from musos who want to play in the orchestra. There's even some interest from someone who lives 130-odd km away who would be willing to travel to play in it! He has some time up his sleeve to make the necessary decisions, but it's a nice dilemma to have - more musos interested that he could possibly fit into the pit. He has played this show before, and is quite excited at the prospect of being the boss this time around.

Anyway, enough about this. More about the European holiday.

We head off at the end of September for four days in Paris, a Rhine River cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest, and then a two-day stopover in Singapore on the way back. MotH is on long service leave from his job from the beginning of September so we are taking the opportunity to do some travel while Bloss is still of an age where holidays with Mum and Dad are still cool. It should be a fabulous time. I have been overseas before but only to Fiji and the west coast of the US. MotH has been to Fiji, New Zealand and China - remind me to tell you about his China trip some time, it's quite a story - and Bloss has never left her home shores. So, it will a new and exciting time for us all, and a great family experience. We have a friend house- and dog-sitting, so that's all sorted. Just have to arrange passports, flights from our home state to the state of departure and back, and save lots of dollars for the purchasing of souvenirs...

Anyway, gotta go. An Info session for Les Mis is happening, and as Society Treasurer and MD respectively, MotH and I are expected to be present. More some time or other...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

of big bangs

the TV kind and the other kind.

So, I got Season 4 of The Big Bang Theory for our wedding anniversary on Monday. 19 years - can you believe it? TBBT is quite a favourite in our house - sometimes I can hear Bloss and her dad laughing from the other end of the house. I love Leonard - his relative down-to-earthness compared to Sheldon just tweaks my funny-bone. Bloss and I are currently watching our way through disc 2 of the set - Amy kills me.

Today's other big bang is the news that the cast list for this year's school musical was announced today. Bloss auditioned at the end of last year and was fortunate to be cast in one of the smaller lead roles. She gets lines and a song (the Little River Band classic "Help is on it's way" - ahh, great memories...). Her cousin GT scored a lead role and I'm sure she'll totally rock it. Several of Bloss' other friends were also cast, so all in her world is rosy at the moment.

But the biggest bang of all is that we are taking a fabulous holiday in October to far-distant lands - in particular we'll be spending 4 days in Paris (cue great excitement from the Victor Hugo fan in the corner).

Leonard and Sheldon are discussing the relative merits of L sleeping with a wealthy older lady so she'll give them a big research grant, so better finish here - now cue the snickering...and yes, I am going to leave the holiday just hanging there...

More later.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

of catching up

having realised that it's been three-and-a-half YEARS since I posted anything on this blog, I thought it was time to revive it, especially in light of the plans we have for later in the year. So, here goes:

We are still in the same house, but have had yet more work done on it - new shed for MotH, new front fence and driveway. All looks very spiffy now. Just have to re-plant the front garden and do a spot of painting, and everything will be loverly!

Bloss has just started Grade 9, and so far has enjoyed the new school year. She is doing French, Food Studies and Design in Wood as her electives, and is playing in the school's Senior Band, having taken up Baritone Saxophone with great enthusiasm in Grade 7. Last year she and I were in the local Musical Society's pantomime (the third time we have been on stage together) and we had a ball. Unfortunately (for Bloss) this year's production is quite politically incorrect and comes with a language warning, so I'm stage managing but she can't be in it... The school musical later in the year will just have to satisfy her drama-queen tendencies! She has decided to give ballet away this year, but is continuing with singing and is beginning to show great progress, according to her teacher. Now, if only she would do some actual practice from one lesson to the next...

MotH is still doing the same job, but with somewhat different responsibilities this year. So far he seems to be relishing the challenges that present themselves on a daily basis. He is also in his third year as Bandmaster of a local Concert Band, and really having a good time there, as well as rejoining the Orchestra he was part of some years ago so he can do some actual playing on his instrument. The only thing that concerns me about it is that he has to drive an hour and a half each way to get to rehearsals and concerts - OK in the summer, but worrisome in the bad weather. I never sleep properly until he gets home, but for the sake of his need for the music, worth it.

I have a new position (still at the same workplace, where the whole way business is done has changed dramatically over the last couple of years). It has not been an easy transition and there are still times where I wonder what I'm really doing still working here, but on the whole it's good. A new manager has helped considerably to smooth my way...

anyway, I really need a cuppa about now, so will try to continue this update soon. Thanks for reading - is there anybody out there?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

of disappointment and moving on

Well, for various reasons which I won't go into, our plans to move have fallen in a hole, so we will be staying where we are for the foreseeable future. We are quite disappointed about missing out on the lovely house we had made a offer on, but it's just not going to happen, so what can you do?
Instead, we will be spending the next couple of weeks getting quotes from all sorts of tradespeople and businesses to get some work done on our current house. We have had a few days to think about what we want to do and we have a great list of exciting things to do.
School holidays are coming up and I have two weeks off along with Bloss and MotH, so that will give us an opportunity to look at things like carpet, curtains and new bits of furniture.
I have had a lesson on uploading images, so will put up some of my layouts soon...but don't hold your breath waiting ;-)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

of happenings large and small

Bloss has discovered ABBA - well, the "Mamma Mia" version at least. At 10, she wasn't about when ABBA was huge - I was about 14 and was a big fan - so it's all new to her. Growing up in a house where music is always playing, and with a musician for a dad, she has fairly wide-ranging tastes in music, from musical theatre to opera, from classical and some jazz to nursery rhymes and Christmas carols. She doesn't like most of the 'popular' music her little buddies at school listen to, which sometimes leads to a bit of teasing in the playground, but she has a fairly well-developed sense of self and is quite happy to be different most of the time. She has been to see "Mamma Mia" three times in the last couple of weeks and the soundtrack is now her bedtime music of choice, in between chapters of Harry Potter as read by Stephen Fry. We also have it in both cars and in the bathroom CD player... overkill, no?
The house was featured in the local real estate guide in today's paper, and there is another Open Home scheduled for Saturday, so we continue to wait and be positive that a buyer is not far away. We have asked for an extension of the contract we have on "our" new house, and informally the current owners have said that's not a problem. We know them well and they really want us to have the house, which was their mother's (whom we also knew very well), so that's all good.
Spent Sunday afternoon scrapping with Mandy and had a lovely girly, creative time in her beautifully warm loungeroom in front of the fire. Got 2 layouts done - one was a for a challenge - but couldn't upload 'cos my digital camera is cactus...gotta work on that. Did 2 more in front of the Olympics the other night and am planning to do some more tonight as MotH has band practice - which means I can spread out in the lounge :-)
MotH graduates from Uni on Saturday - B. Ed after 6 years of part-time external study - so we off to the ceremony in a city about 1 1/2 hours drive from here. Large Black Slothful Dog is having a night at the local kennels - which he loves 'cos they let him off the lead and he runs up and down all day (did I mention he's a retired greyhound?) - but no doubt we'll get the cold shoulder for a while when he comes home... Anyway, great rejoicing and it should be a great time for MotH - he's worked really hard and had excellent results all through, so he's really earned this. I am so proud of him. Will have to make sure we get some good pics I can scrap - we're borrowing his dad's digital SLR camera for the day.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Softly, softly

A quiet couple of weeks on the house front. We had an Open Home last weekend and there were five lots of people through. Apparently a couple of them are interested, as is the guy from interstate still, so maybe some movement soon. If interest rates and petrol prices come down a bit there may be a bit of a perking up of interest in the housing market, but let's hope we don't have to wait too much longer. Apart from anything else I'm sure the vendors of the house we want to buy are getting a bit antsy waiting for us to sell.
Meanwhile Bloss is getting ready to audition for the local Musical Society's youth spectacular - a variety concert and play - which is happening mid-October. She's doing very well with her braces, and school also seems to be going well.
MotH is still obsessing about getting stuff done around the house, but is being very optimistic about the selling process, which is not like him...
Have done quite a bit of scrapping this last couple of weeks, blind scraps and challenges from a forum I belong to as well as some stuff of my own. Have been given some lovely papers and tools by a generous co-worker, which was a lovely surprise, and this sparked some inspiration. Must find out how to upload pics...and get a new digital camera, ours having died this last couple of days :-(